Fighting for salmon and steelhead in the Willamette River
With 99 percent fewer Upper Willamette Spring
Chinook salmon and steelhead now returning to the Willamette River to spawn
than in the past, Guardians and allies warned the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
of our intent to bring suit to protect these threatened fish. Hundreds of
thousands of fish once leapt Willamette Falls to spawn in the river’s
tributaries until the Corps built four tall dams in its upper waterways. Though
the fish are protected under the Endangered Species Act, the Corps has done
little to help them recover. We don’t have years to wait for the Corps to do
its job, so we’re doing our duty to protect these emblems of the Pacific
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"Undesirable" is an understatement
Our efforts to use the Freedom of Information
Act to expose, highlight, and hold to account the Trump Administration for its desire to despoil our land, air, and water are
already coming to fruition. What have we learned? For one thing, that at least
one oil and gas disaster has occurred on our public lands every day since 2010.
The oil and gas industry calls these “undesirable
events.” We call them spills,
equipment failures, fires, injuries, fatalities, and more. Even one oil and gas
disaster is one too many, and these data only underscore that the last thing
our public lands need is more fracking. After all, if the oil and gas industry
can’t prevent events like these from happening every
day, then why should it be allowed to take such risks with our public lands and
public health?
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Protecting flows in the Colorado River
With a new project slated to divert nine billion gallons annually from
the already imperiled Colorado River, we filed suit with our allies to give the
river a right to its own water. The Windy Gap Firming Project would pipe,
store, and use the river’s water to address the endless thirst of the Front
Range. While other tried-and-true, more-sustainable options exist for quenching
the thirst of the Front Range’s industries and municipalities—including water
conservation, water recycling, and obtaining water from farmers—federal
agencies have ignored them. The project, along with other proposed projects, would
bring the amount of water drained from the Colorado River up to 80 percent. We
will continue to fight these unnecessary new water development projects to ensure
the Colorado River sustains native fish and wildlife for future generations.
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Win against Wildlife Services in Colorado spares cougars and bears
scored a major win for wildlife in Colorado when, in response to our lawsuit
challenging its activities, the federal wildlife-killing agency Wildlife
Services agreed to temporarily stop using many of its barbaric killing tools.
Until it completes a new analysis (by August 1, 2018), Wildlife Services cannot
use or fund the use of M-44 cyanide bombs on public lands in Colorado or deploy
or use certain traps and snares. Significantly, Wildlife Services can no longer
participate in Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s misguided killing of black bears
and mountain lions under the guise of “studying” the killings’ effects on mule
deer populations. The more information is made available, the more the public
and decision makers will understand that Wildlife Services’ slaughter is cruel,
ineffective, and unscientific.
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Northern California wildlife spared from Wildlife Services' cruelty
Guardians’ and allies’ litigation in Northern
California is also dragging Wildlife Services into the light. Our recent
settlement forces Wildlife Services to implement numerous protections for
wildlife in Northern California. Until it analyzes the environmental impacts of
its killing of coyotes, bobcats, and other wildlife in 16 Northern California
counties, Wildlife Services can no longer deploy cyanide bombs, den fumigants,
and lead ammunition, and is forbidden from using traps and aerial gunning in
designated wilderness and wilderness study areas. The outcome is good news for
California’s endangered gray wolves, which could be killed accidentally in
indiscriminate traps set for other carnivores and by cyanide bombs, as well as
for the hundreds of animals that would have suffered and died at Wildlife
Services’ hands.
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New map series highlights Powder River Basin coal mining dangers
looks like an alien spreading its tentacles across the United States. In
reality, it’s something even scarier: the pervasive carbon footprint of
northeast Wyoming and southeast Montana’s Powder River Basin. “The Carbon
Footprint of the Powder River Basin” is one of many maps included in our
Climate and Energy team’s new interactive map series highlighting the dangers
of strip mining coal in the Basin. From the carbon pollution of power plants
burning Powder River Basin coal, to the air pollution that is linked to more
than 2,500 deaths every year, here’s your chance to learn more about the
epicenter of the U.S. climate fight.
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Confronting fracking on Yellowstone's doorstep
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the Trump administration, it’s
that nothing is sacred—not even one of our most precious national parks.
Livingston, Montana, gateway to Yellowstone National Park’s northern end and
the Beartooth Front, could soon have fracking on its doorstep. We’re on the
front lines defending our air, water, and communities, and submitted extensive
comments slamming these fracking plans. The more than 63,000 acres of Montana
public lands could be auctioned off for as little as $2 per acre—a sad fate for
a truly priceless landscape. To make matters worse, the leases would also
devastate Montana’s sage-grouse population, as more than 23,000 acres of the
lease sale are in prime sage-grouse habitat.
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photo credits: (Left column) Dam—Conrad Gowell. Chaco Well Explosion—Kendra Pinto. Colorado River—Jen Pelz. Cougar—Getty Images. Coyote Mom and Pup—Holly Kuchera. Carbon Footprint of Powder River Basin Map—WildEarth Guardians. Roosevelt Arch, Yellowstone NP—Acroterion, Wikimedia Commons. (Right column) Painting by Renée Vance—Renée Vance. Dinner Party—WildEarth Guardians.
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Recent Op-eds
October 28 Santa Fe New Mexican John Horning "Of ladybugs and public lands"
November 2 Seattle Times Chris Krupp "Ryan Zinke is erasing 'public' from lands he's meant to guard"
Activist Spotlight:
am an artist living in Tucson, AZ, and am fortunate enough to be surrounded by
wildlife in abundance. Living in the desert, every day I see the
interconnection of each and every animal to their environment and also how
important it is to protect them and the natural areas they need to
survive. This is why I put WildEarth Guardians in my will. I want to do
all I can to help these animals and I know WildEarth Guardians will be fighting
for their protection and the wild places they need, long after I’m gone."
For more information on legacy giving, please contact WildEarth Guardians Development Director Kevin Gaither-Banchoff.
Upcoming Events
December 7 - Albuquerque Treehugger Bash. Greg Dyson, our Wild Places Program Director, will talk with us about protecting the wild Gila bioregion, the streams being restored on the Valles Caldera, and the charismatic New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and Mexican spotted owl. Plus, our local monuments! Tickets are $35 per person or $25 for monthly donors.
***** December 8 - Paper Cut Art Show. 100 percent of proceeds will benefit
WildEarth Guardians. Learn more and
***** February 2, 2018 - Telluride Mountainfilm Festival
***** May 4, 2018 - Howling Affair
you own appreciated stock? Do you love WildEarth Guardians’ vision and mission?
The stock market is at record highs and now might be the perfect time to
maximize your impact on the wild, and maximize your tax benefits, by making a
gift of appreciated stock to Guardians. For more information, contact Kevin
Gaither-Banchoff or Guardians’ Morgan Stanley Financial
Advisor, Ben Alaimo-Monson, at 505-988-7702.
Update Your Email
We have made it even easier to update
your email preferences. Click this link to
choose between the option to receive all action alerts or just a monthly
newsletter roundup. Contact us here if
you have any questions.
***** Our monthly donor program,
Wild Bunch, offers you a way to support our work with ongoing dedication. Learn
more here.
So, How'd it go...
it’s something we applaud, but why is it so important? In light of our filing
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the Bureau of Land Management
every single day last month, Guardians’ Shannon Hughes sat down with renowned
FOIA expert and University of Denver law professor Margaret Kowka to chat about
the law’s importance.
Listen to their conversation here
Take six hungry Guardians, a
700-square-foot Portland bungalow, and a whole tableful of tasty food, and you
get a dinner party for the ages (and proof that we enjoy each other’s company
outside the office!)