The Centennial State joins neighbors New Mexico and Arizona in ending brutal blood sport
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Commission just voted to end killing contests
After years of backwards policy, this is a step in the right direction for Colorado’s wildlife
Dear Guardian,
Today, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted 8-3 to ban killing contests targeting many of the state’s treasured wildlife including coyotes, foxes, and prairie dogs. The move falls short of a total ban on wildlife killing contests, but it is a huge step in the right direction for an agency that has long been under criticism for misguided and cruel policies toward native species, especially carnivores. Colorado joins neighbors Arizona and New Mexico, both of which curtailed wildlife killing contests in 2019.
CPW Commissioners showed leadership on this issue as Guardians staff and volunteers worked behind the scenes with other conservation and animal welfare groups to make this victory a reality. Click here if you would like to thank the commissioners or send a “thank you” tweet to @COParksWildlife.
We will continue to work throughout the West to end this brutal blood sport and momentum is on our side. Our wildlife program will also leverage this success as we work to bring Colorado’s wildlife policy into the 21st century. Please stay tuned for action alerts on how you can speak up for native carnivores and other wildlife in the state.
Thank you to all who helped drive this over the line. Slowly but surely, we are stopping cruelty and re-shaping the American West into a hospitable place for native wildlife.
For the Wild,
Lindsay Larris, Wildlife Program Director
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WildEarth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and health of the American West.