Lynx: Maps and related materials

Complaint, Petition, and Maps

April 22, 2008

Read the complaint (PDF) opens in new window

Read the petition (PDF) opens in new window

Map: Canada Lynx Recovery Areas (PDF)

Map: Use-density surface for lynx satellite locations in New Mexico September 1999 - March 2007

Map: Use-density surface for lynx satellite locations in Colorado and New Mexico September 1999 - March 2007

Map: Lynx distribution in the western U.S. with mortality sites

All three color maps showing the distribution of Canada Lynx in Coloradoavailable for use courtesy of of the Colorado Division of Wildlife, anddocument: Shenk, Tanya N. 2007. Colorado Division of Wildlife - Wildlife Research Monitoring of Lynx (Lynx Canadensis) Reintroduced Into Colorado.